If you have already created an account with your desired membership skip to step 3.
Click here to create an account as a ‘member’. Find the membership you wish to purchase, Monthly, Annual or Youth. Click the ‘Join’ button under this membership to get started. This page will outline the details of this membership, click ‘Join’ again to proceed.
Fill in the required information on the form. Agree to the terms of use, and click ‘Create Account’.
Now you’re in! Use the navigation bar in the top left to find the ‘Reservations’ drop down menu, select ‘Courts’.
Select the time slot you wish to book, a pop-up screen will open. Select your reservation type, fill in the required information.
Add other players to your booking. Search club members by name to add them to your booking.
Guests: You may add guests to a booking.
- If you would like your guest to pay for themselves: They must create a non-member account following the steps adjacent for ‘non-members’. Once they are registered as a non-member, you can add them to your booking. Their guest fee and portion of the court fee will be charged to them
- If you would like to pay for your guest: You can select the number of guests you wish to bring and fill in their name and phone number in the form below. These guests will be charged to your account.
Open vs. Closed Reservations: If you would like a private booking please do not check the ‘Open Reservation’ box. If you’d like others to join you, you may check this box and enter the criteria for prospective players to join you.
If you’d like to book a lesson or a clinic please use the navigation bar to select ‘Events’ and ‘Lessons’.
NOTE: Non-Members may only visit the club 6 times per year.
Click here to create an account as a ‘non-member’. Click the ‘Join’ button under non-member to get started. This page will outline the details of this membership, click ‘Join’ again to proceed.
Fill in the required information on the form. Agree to the terms of use, and click ‘Create Account’
Now you’re in! Use the navigation bar in the top left to find the ‘Reservations’ drop down menu, select ‘Courts’.
Select the time slot you wish to book, a pop-up screen will open. Select your reservation type, fill in the required information.
Add other players to your booking. To do so, these players must also create an account and follow the steps above. Once they are registered as a non-member, you can add them to your booking.
NOTE: If you’d like to bring guests to the club who do not have a non-member account with us, their guest fee and portion of the court fee will be charged to your account. In this case, please simply select the number of guests and enter their names into the box below.
Open vs. Closed Reservations: If you would like a private booking please do not check the ‘Open Reservation’ box. If you’d like others to join you, you may check this box and enter the criteria for prospective players to join you.